Alliance of Illusionists
Magic clubs in Fort Worth, Texas that proudly meet together to organize activities for the practice and promotion of magic tricks, illusions, and sleight-of-hand.
The “Bruce Chadwick SAM Assembly 138” meets as a chartered Assembly of the Society of American Magicians. Members must maintain membership in the national SAM organization.
The “Alliance of Illusionists” meets concurrently with the Assembly as an independent club. Members do not have to be affiliated with the SAM or any other magic organization.
Both clubs work together to promote educational programs and activities to benefit members and increase their knowledge regarding the art of magic.

The 7:00 pm Thursday February 20 monthly meeting will be Classic Magic Apparatus night. Each member is asked to bring one classic magic effect and perform it with a routine. Other magicians will then have the opportunity to take the same apparatus and try their hand performing it!
It should be an evening of fun and frolic for all who attend! In addition, the meeting will have other activities and presentations to round out the evening and provide something for everyone.
Please note that the Executive Committee will meet at 6:00 pm on the same night. All officers are required to attend, and any member in good standing (2025 dues paid up member) may attend as well. Visitors may not attend Executive Committee Meetings.